中文 / EN

{{l === 'zh' ? '卡丁车类型:' : 'Types of Racing karts:'}}

  • {{l === 'zh' ? '法国Sodi成人娱乐<br>RT8卡丁车' : 'The Sodi RT8 standard kart'}}

  • {{l === 'zh' ? '法国Sodi儿童娱乐<br>LR5卡丁车' : 'The Sodi LR5 kart for kids'}}

  • {{l === 'zh' ? '法国Sodi竞技成人<br>RX-250卡丁车' : 'The Sodi RX250 kart '}}

{{l === 'zh' ? '活动流程:' : 'Rundown:'}}

  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '卡丁买买买' : 'Course purchase'}}

    {{ l === 'zh' ? '客人到店可购买单节不同的卡丁车驾驶体验。' : 'various choices of kart driving lessons are available upon arrival.'}}

  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '教你怎么玩' : 'Coach briefing'}}

    {{ l === 'zh' ? '购买完成签署免责声明协议后进行安全简报培训。' : 'safety briefing training after signing the disclaimer agreement.'}}

  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '带上酷炫装备' : 'Cool equipment'}}

    {{ l === 'zh' ? '在装备区带上保护装备(面罩、头盔、手套、护颈)。' : 'wear protective equipment (face mask, helmet, gloves, neck protection) in equipment area.'}}

  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '上车耍帅' : 'Pre-driving'}}

    {{ l === 'zh' ? '进入指定等候区域根据工作人员的指示来坐上指定车辆。' : 'enter the designated waiting area and get on the designated kart according to the instructions of the staff.'}}

  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '极速飞驰' : 'Hands-on driving'}}

    {{ l === 'zh' ? '由工作人员发动卡丁车,客人须在维修区通道慢速行驶出维修区,每节卡丁车驾驶为10分钟/节。单节驾驶时间到后,工作人员在终点线挥舞方格旗,所有赛道上的驾驶客人须放慢自己的车速,完成回场圈,回到维修区停车点。' : 'the staff will start the karts, and the customers will have to drive slowly out of the pit in the pit lane. Each kart will have 10 minutes to drive for each session . After driving, the staff will wave check flag at the finish line. All drivers on the track will have to slow down, complete the final lap and return to the pit.'}}

  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '下车走人' : 'End of driving'}}

    {{ l === 'zh' ? '当节客人需回到装备区归还装备后,完成当节消费。' : 'customers need to return their equipments to the equipment area.'}}

{{l === 'zh' ? '购买条件:' : 'Conditions of purchase:'}}

{{l === 'zh' ? '浙江卡丁车场 营业时间' : 'Opening hours'}}

{{l === 'zh' ? '夏令时间' : 'Summer time'}} {{l === 'zh' ? '4月至10月' : 'April to October'}}
{{l === 'zh' ? '周一至周四' : 'Monday to Thursday'}} {{l === 'zh' ? '10:00 – 21:00' : '10:00 – 21:00'}}
{{l === 'zh' ? '周五至周日及节假日' : 'Friday to Sunday and holidays'}} {{l === 'zh' ? '10:00 – 21:00' : '10:00 – 21:00'}}
{{l === 'zh' ? '冬令时间' : 'Winter time'}} {{l === 'zh' ? '11月至次年3月' : 'November to March'}}
{{l === 'zh' ? '周一至周四' : 'Monday to Thursday'}} {{l === 'zh' ? '10:00 – 18:00' : '10:00 – 18:00'}}
{{l === 'zh' ? '周五至周日及节假日' : 'Friday to Sunday and holidays'}} {{l === 'zh' ? '10:00 – 19:30' : '10:00 – 19:30'}}

{{ l === 'zh' ? '浙赛探索' : 'ZC Exploration' }}


{{ l === 'zh' ? '主赛道体验' : 'Main Track' }}


{{ l === 'zh' ? '卡丁车体验' : 'Go Karts' }}


{{ l === 'zh' ? '浙赛新闻' : 'ZC News' }}


{{ l === 'zh' ? '酒店餐饮' : 'Hotel' }}


{{ l === 'zh' ? 'Z-Club' : 'Z-Club' }}


{{ l === 'zh' ? '关于我们' : 'About Us' }}