中文 / EN

{{l === 'zh' ? '课程优势:' : 'Course advantages:'}}

  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '最直接的圈速提升' : 'Acceleration of performance'}}

    {{ l === 'zh' ? '针对性的教学和实践,让学员在一天的时间内迅速提升圈速' : 'Aim to rapidly improve their lap time within one day by exclusive coaching and practice'}}

  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '雄厚的师资力量' : 'Excellent Faculty'}}

    {{ l === 'zh' ? '定期邀请国际级教练、明星导师和车圈老炮,在他们的言传身教下,不仅练就驾驶的十八般武艺,还能够学到合格的赛车素养和听到车圈八卦,让你从此谈吐不凡。' : 'On a regular basis, international coaches, star coaches and veteran racers are invited to train trainees’ driving skills so that they can learn qualified racing skills and hear the up-to-date news about the circles.'}}

  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '高占比的练习时间' : 'A high percentage of practice time'}}

    {{ l === 'zh' ? '毕竟开车是门手艺活,因为自有世界级赛道,在课程安排上可以最大化的安排实操环节为学员争取更多的赛道驾驶机会。' : 'With the unique condition of a world-class race track, the course arrangement can maximize practical exercises and create more driving time for the trainees.'}}

  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '富有难度和挑战的赛道' : 'Challenging tracks'}}

    {{ l === 'zh' ? '国际性赛事的举办场地,起伏多弯,节奏紧凑,比平地更有收获' : 'An international race track with various turns and ups & downs is more rewarding than flat ground training.'}}

  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '灵活的用车方式' : 'Flexible vehicle arrangement'}}

    {{ l === 'zh' ? '自带车辆让学员不必多人等车,来了就发车' : 'Racing cars are available on the track without waiting.'}}

  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '与爱车共同进步的机会' : 'Opportunities for common progress with car lovers'}}

    {{ l === 'zh' ? '让学员精通各种车型,能够更好地驾驭了解自己的爱车。' : 'Let the trainee master all kinds of cars and be able to better control and understanding of their own cars.'}}

{{l === 'zh' ? '课程详情:' : 'Details:'}}
{{ l === 'zh' ? '培训地点:浙江国际赛车场' : 'Location: Zhejiang Circuit'}}
{{ l === 'zh' ? '培训时间:一天(9:00 am — 6:00 pm)' : 'Duration: one day (9:00 am-6:00 pm)'}}
{{ l === 'zh' ? '培训形式:理论+实践+测试' : 'Content: Theory + Practice + Test'}}
{{ l === 'zh' ? '培训收获:通过课程后将获得“浙江国际赛车场认证证书”' : 'Harvest: After passing the course, each trainee will receive a “Zhejiang Circuit Certification”'}}
{{ l === 'zh' ? '* 培训时间均安排在周末' : '* Training is all arranged on weekends.'}}
{{ l === 'zh' ? '* 参加培训的学员请提前准备好:一寸白底照片,身份证及驾照。' : '* Trainees attending should prepare in advance: one-inch white background photos, ID card and drivers license.'}}

{{l === 'zh' ? '课程安排:' : 'Timetable:'}}

  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '09.00 - 09.55   | 教室 | 签到/发计时块/领头盔' : '09:00 - 09:55   | Classroom | Sign in/Get timing sensor and helmets'}}
  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '10.00 - 10.45   | 教室 | 旗语/赛事规则/圈速赛流程' : '10:00 - 10:45   | Classroom | Semaphore/Racing rules introduction/Schedule'}}
  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '10.50 - 11.50   | 赛道 | 跟车走线' : '10:50 - 11:50   | Track | Lead & Follow'}}
  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '11.50 - 12.30   | 赛道 | 模拟单圈赛(出场圈,飞驰圈,回场圈)(无桩桶)' : '11:50 - 12:30   | Track | Simulated lap (formation lap, flying lap, back in pit) (with pile barrels)'}}
  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '13.30 - 14.15   | 教室 | 刹车&赛车线/车辆动态&重心分布/转向抓地力' : '13:30 - 14:15   | Classroom | Braking & racing line/vehicle dynamics & gravity distribution/steering grip'}}
  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '14.20 - 15.20   | 赛道 | 跟车走线' : '14:20 - 15:20   | Track | Lead & Follow'}}
  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '15.20 - 15.35   | 赛道 | 自由练习(有桩桶)' : '15:20 – 15:35   | Track | Free practice (with pile barrels)'}}
  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '15.40 - 16.20   | 赛道 | 弯道练习' : '15:40 – 16:20   | Track | Curve practice'}}
  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '16.25 - 16.40   | 赛道 | 自由练习(无桩桶)' : '16:25 – 16:40   | Track | Free practice (without pile barrels)'}}
  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '16.50 - 17.30   | 赛道 | 模拟单圈赛(出场圈,飞驰圈,回场圈)(无桩桶)' : '16:50 - 17:30   | Track | Simulated Lap (Formation Lap, Flying Lap, back in pit) (No pile barrels)'}}
  • {{ l === 'zh' ? '17.35 - 18.00   | 教室 | 毕业仪式' : '17:35 - 18:00   | Classroom | Graduation Ceremony'}}

{{ l === 'zh' ? '浙赛探索' : 'ZC Exploration' }}


{{ l === 'zh' ? '主赛道体验' : 'Main Track' }}


{{ l === 'zh' ? '卡丁车体验' : 'Go Karts' }}


{{ l === 'zh' ? '浙赛新闻' : 'ZC News' }}


{{ l === 'zh' ? '酒店餐饮' : 'Hotel' }}


{{ l === 'zh' ? 'Z-Club' : 'Z-Club' }}


{{ l === 'zh' ? '关于我们' : 'About Us' }}